Devon Schiller, BFA, MA

Devon Schiller BFA, MA is a DOC Fellow at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and a doctoral candidate at the University of Vienna, where he is researching and developing a dissertation project on the semiotic temporalities of biometric art. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in art history and studio painting from the Kansas City Art Institute and a Master of Arts, Advanced in new media art history from the Department of Image Science at Danube University Krems. A cognitive and cultural semiotician, his scholarship centers on the epistemology of experimentation in the contemporary as well as historical study of facial behavior and affective phenomena. Devon Schiller has trained in the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) at the University of California at Berkeley as well as in the Neuropsychological Gesture Coding System (NEUROGES) at the German Sports University Cologne. And he has conducted grant-supported research on automated facial behavior analysis at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIS) as well as forensic facial reconstruction sculpture at the Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State University (FACTS).
List of publications
Doctoral Research Project
https://univie.academia.edu/DevonSchiller (Academia.edu)
devonschiller@gmail.com (email)